Judy Cites was our key employee, office manager and sometimes tour manager at NRC. She had worked for Bill Owens before we took the company over, and he brought her in. Judy was a key player on the NRC team, was extremely reliable, and did a great job for Bill and me. When there was a problem that needed to be addressed and Bill or I couldn’t be found (which was often the case when we were on the road with one of the shows), the buck stopped with Judy and she would fix things up.
I also have good memories of my personal assistant, Nancy Donatov. Nancy was young, but well-schooled and did a super job for me as my executive secretary.
I definitely have positive memories about Sandy Davis, who ended up managing the Bon Marche box office for us. I originally met Sandy when she was working in the office of the Seattle Musicians Union, local 76. Bill and I hired her later and she worked for me again as office manager when I moved back to Seattle and established an office in the Coleman Building on First Avenue. Sandy was and is still, I’m sure, a very bright, organized take-charge individual.
Bill and I split the responsibilities at NRC. He worked with the big agencies in Los Angeles and booked most all the William Morris Agency talent. I was on point for the Broadway shows and attractions offered by American Theater Productions and Columbia artist management. I was the primary buyer of product in New York except for HAIR, which Bill was handling.